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1. How authentical is the information on Amulufeblog?
Authenticity of information on blogs, books, YouTube and all other sources of information are put out in public as authors opinion which are backed with facts and are subject to criticism and correction if no criticism or correction arise in my opinion i say it's safe for you to refer to as sources to qualify your own raised opinion also. Additionally, note that our authors are expected to follow suit the academic norms and we expressively invite criticism and corrections.
2. Is it a good idea to substitute lectures notes or long text assigned to you for the user friend articles on Amulufeblog
No, the article on Amulufeblog are meant to help you easily grasp the concept and then after make your life easy when reading the long texts assigned to you. How? Well, after reading the articles here you will have basic understanding of concepts that will make you read through you long assigned text objectively and efficiently.