State House has not been involved in either our dispute or our out of court settlement which culminated in the Consent Judgment to discontinue the mat
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By Dr. O’Brien Kaaba

August 02, 2024

I have received numerous questions about the consent to discontinue the defamation suit between the Solicitor General, Mr Marshal Muchende, SC and myself, particularly, 1) If I was intimidated by State House to discontinue the matter, and 2) If the settlement amounts to an admission of wrong doing on the part of Mr Muchende.

I would like to state categorically  that State House has not been involved in either our dispute or our out of court settlement which culminated in the Consent Judgment to discontinue the matter.

It can neither be said that I was coerced into agreeing to terminate the dispute especially that I was not the Plaintiff in the matter nor can it be said that the settlement amounts to admission of guilt on the part of the Solicitor General.

The decision to settle the matter was arrived at voluntarily, magnanimously and conscientiously by the Solicitor General and myself under the aegis of our respective lawyers and indeed our collective interest, mutual respect for each other, as well as my personal amends and assurances.

It is my sincere hope that the pain and inconvenience that this unfortunate episode has caused to both of us can be put behind us. I wish the Solicitor General well.


Dr. O’Brien Kaaba  teaches constitutional law at the University of Zambia and is a senior research fellow at Saipar. 

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of

Final Year Law Student, The University of Zambia

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